La Tene maps announces the release of the 2nd edition of its printed map on major European PV Installations.
This map produced in association with SolarPower Europe shows the location of all SolarPV
Installations in Europe over 1.0MW in size together with the name of the site. Proportional
sized symbols are used to give the user an indication of installation size. Symbols representing the
following groupings are used 0.95-4.99MW, 5-9.99MW, 10- 49.99MW and greater than 50MW. The
names for all of he sites are shown for all but the smallest grouping. The map was available for free
distribution at Intersolar Europe in Munich, Germany on June 22nd – 24th from the SolarPower Europe
stand. There are over 3,300 installations shown on the printed map. An inset map of europe
shows the generating capacity of each country from SolarPV and the amount from sites over 1MW in
As the printed map is too small to name each site together with generating capacity and operator the
company has produced an interactive pdf map which shows all this additional information. This is
available to prurchase from La Tene Maps or via its website:
Speaking on the launch of the new map La Teneʼs CEO said “ It is great to see this map out. It gives
a good overview on the larger non domestic installations. This map does not do justice however to
the sheer amount of Solar PV there is out there. Non domestic SolarPV installations can make up
only 10-50% of the total solarPV installed. It would be impossible on a European Map to show all
these. It is noticable the massive growth there has been in Utility scale Solar PV especially in countries
like the United Kingdom. Whilst growth in the Utility Scale market in the UK is likey to slow down
It will be made up with accelerated growth in other countries ”.

For further information on this service please contact:

John Coleman
Chief Executive
La Tene Maps
Station House, Shankill, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Tel: +353-12847914 Mobile: +353 868570599 Fax: +353-12826311

Editors Note:
La Tene Maps has been producing industry orientated maps for over 30 years. The company is Europeʼs main producer
of maps on renewable energy subjects like Anaerobic Digestion, Biomass, Energy from waste (Efw), Hydropower, Landfill
Gas, Ocean Energy (Wave and Tidal), Solar PV, Wind Energy. See the website for further details.

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