La Tene Maps the renewable energy map maker has just released an atlas and guide to utility scale
renewables in Ireland. The atlas covers all the renewable energy technologies that are in place in Ireland
(north and south) and thus covers, wind, wave, tidal, hydro, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, energy
from waste and and solarPV.

The atlas begins with a series of all Ireland maps on a technology by technology basis to give an
overview of the distribution of the various technology types. This is followed by a series of County
maps which show all the renewable energy installations in the area together with their operator and
generating capacity. All this is shown against a background of the electricity transmission and distribution
network. Usually a county or several counties together would make up a two page spread.
Also in the atlas are a series of resource maps covering onshore and offshore wind, wave and solarPV
resource. The Solar PV map also includes the the near 500 grid applications currently in place.

The end section is made up of lists of companies which are either operators or developers of renewable
energy projects broken down by technology. This part of the Atlas and Guide also includes the
main Government departments and a section on the main companies proving goods and services to
the sector.

La Tene Maps Chief Executive John Coleman speaking on the publication of the Irish Renewable Energy
Atlas and Guide said “ The A4 format should make this a useful desktop accessory for people
working in the Irish renewables sectors. This atlas and guide amalgamates our maps on Ireland and
puts them into a book format and at a larger scale than is possible in the sheet map format. The
guide section at the back of the atlas provides back up information for the maps in the atlas. This is
our first attempt at this and we hope it is useful. We hope to build on this in subsequent editions
based on user feedback.”

For further information on the Irish Renewable Energy Atlas see www.latenemaps .com or contact
John Coleman, La Tene Maps, Station House, Shankill, Co. Dublin. Ireland. Tel: +353 12847914 or

The Irish Renewable Energy Atlas is A4 format 68pp,

30th November 2016

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