New edition of East North Sea/Baltic Offshore Wind Projects Map available

The 5th edition of the “East North Sea/ Baltic Offshore Wind Projects” map is now ready (print and digital versions). It is published to coincide with the “Offshore Energy 20” conference and exhibition in Amsterdam where it will be available for download from our media stand on the 27th and 28th October. The map has been expanded to cover the full Baltic due to the growth of offshore wind projects developing in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. 

Copies of the map are also available free by an email request to <> quoting ENSBAL in the subject line and giving a name, affiliation and contact details: 

The map is similar to our European map showing the distribution of wind farm projects and their status but this map has more information on it including Natura 2000 sites, oil and gas platforms. and principal heliports 

On the release of the map La Tene Maps Chief Executive John Coleman said: “The inclusion of the Natura 2000 areas (EU Birds and Habitats directive) shows the reader where it would be more difficult but not impossible to build out a wind farm. Also the growth of marine spatial plans means a more structured approach to the planning of wind farm developments. As a result many of these legacy projects outsite of areas reserved for offshore renewables may not get planning approval” 

For further information on the East North Sea/Baltic map and other offshore wind farm projects maps contact John Coleman <>, telephone: 353 868570599 or go to the website


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