Europe- Offshore Wind Projects Map 2021 edition
EUROPE -OFFSHORE WIND FARM PROJECTS MAP 13th Edition - June 2021 La Tene Maps are happy to announce that the latest edition of the Europe Offshore Wind Projects map is now available in pdf format and is available on request from us. Due to the Corona Virus a print...
New edition of East North Sea/Baltic Offshore Wind Projects Map available
New edition of East North Sea/Baltic Offshore Wind Projects Map available The 5th edition of the “East North Sea/ Baltic Offshore Wind Projects” map is now ready (print and digital versions). It is published to coincide with the “Offshore Energy 20” conference...
World- Floating Wind Farm Projects Map 2020
La Tene Maps is happy to announce the release of the 3rd edition of the "World - Floating Offshore Wind Farm Projects" map (FLOW). This is a new map from the company and compliments other world maps that the company has available on Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal...
Print Editions of Europe and North America Offshore Wind Projects Maps now available
Print versions of their 2020 “Europe - Offshore Wind Projects” and “North America - Offshore Wind Projects” maps are now available. These are updated from the previous Free digital editions released in April and May. These maps are published every year and...
North America – Offshore Wind Projects Map, April 2020
The 7th edition of the "North America Offshore Wind Projects" map has been prepared by La Tene Maps and is currently available in pdf and digital print formats. A print version will be available during the summer nearer the start of the 2020 conference season and...
Britain, Ireland and the North Sea
Britain, Ireland and the North Sea Wind, Wave, and Tidal Projects A new edition of the map "Britain, Ireland and the North Sea - Wind Wave and Tidal Projects" has been published by La Tene Maps". This is the 6th edition of the map and is the only published map which...