La Tene launched two new maps at All Energy in Glasgow during the first week of May. One of these was the 13th annual edition of the “Scottish Energy Map – Electricity Generation and Transmission (including renewables)” map. This map has been the main map available showing both renewable energy and conventional fossil fuel generators in Scotland over 1MW in size against a background of the electricity transmission and distribution grid down to 38kV. The map covers onshore as well as offshore. Technologies covered include wind, wave and tidal, hydro, biomass, biogas and energy from waste and SolarPV.

The other map launched at All Energy was a new map “Britain – Energy Storage Projects” ,. This new map highlights the growth in Energy Storage Projects in Britain. It covers battery storage, Pumped Hydro, Air Storage and Flywheel projects. The map also differentiates between battery types by different colour symbol. The text attached to the symbols lists the project name, storage capacity and the project operator. This new map highlights a growth area both in Britain and Europe.

John Coleman, Chief Executive of La Tene Maps speaking about the launch of the two maps said “ Energy Storage will become increasingly important as add-ons to renewable energy installations to maximise revenue return by feeding into the grid at the most favourable times. It is also used in a peaking power role”

Copies of the maps are available at renewable energy conferences and exhibitions that La Tene Maps attends. The maps are also available from the website

For further information contact: John Coleman, Tel: +353 12847914, e-mail:

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