Wind Farming

The maps in this section deal specifically with wind energy installations, projects and licences.. Apart from the maps listed below which deal specifically with wind farming all of our Electricity Generation and Transmission maps (incl. renewable energy) will have the wind farms on them as will the maps in Renewable Energy Installations section. The maps generally show all built wind farms by location symbol, attached to the symbol are the farm name, generating capacity and operator. Some maps may show the number of turbines for the wind farm. Most maps also show the sites that are under construction or are planned (fully consented). The company has an extensive worldwide database on wind farms which contain a lot more information than we can show on a map. Extracts from this database are available for purchase – see section on databases on the website.

Other maps in other sections of the website with wind farm content include the following:
– Electricity Generation and Transmission (including renewable energy)
– Renewable Energy Installation maps

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