La Tene Maps is happy to announce the release of the 3rd edition of the “World – Floating Offshore Wind Farm Projects” map (FLOW). This is a new map from the company and compliments other world maps that the company has available on Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Projects.

This new map shows the distribution of floating wind projects around the world, by location together with the name of the site, site owner/operator. Colour of symbol indicates status of the project (consented, under construction or built). The sheet has a world map showing areas where floating offshore wind farm projects are currently occuring together with larger nset maps of Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific areas

The map is B1 size (700 x 1000mm) printed in full colour and is available in a variety of formats including a print version, a version of this map without advertising which can be printed on demand and as a pdf file. 

A digital or print version of the World Floating Offshore Wind Projects Map will be available for anyone who requests it. Those interested should send an e-mail to quoting “FLOW20” in the subject line. Name, address and company affiliation must also be given in the e-mail.  The digital version will also be available for download at the major virtual conferences and exhibitions to be held in the last quarter of 2020

John Coleman, chief executive of La Tene Maps speaking on the release of the revised map said 

“As more and more offshore wind sites get developed new offshore wind farms will be pushed into deeper waters.  Currently in water depths greater than 50M the only option is to use floating wind.  Floating wind opens up vast areas of the worlds marine area for offshore wind development including the Mediterranean Sea, the west coasts of America and Australia as wel as parts of Asia and Africa”

For further information contact: John Coleman,

Tel+353 1 2847914

Mobile: +353 868570599

E-mail: johncoleman@johncoleman

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